20 February 2020

COVID-19 Update .

Dear clients, partners and friends,

As most of the countries including Myanmar are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, WSH Myanmar wishes to inform you that we have implemented control measures and a work-from-home arrangement. Our team will remain available via phone, email, social media and online platforms to continuously provide support to the community. 

Our focus is to develop a safety culture in Myanmar. It is our utmost priority to ensure the safety of our team, clients, partners, friends and the community. 
We are following the lead from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS), who are currently advising everyone to avoid large gatherings, be vigilant, and take extra precautionary measures when in contact with people.
Our March and April training programs are therefore postponed to a later date.
Exactly when the training programs will recommence cannot be determined however our clients and partners will be the first to know.
Meanwhile, we will continue to plan and develop course materials and awareness programs.
We will continuously monitor communications from health agencies at local, national and international levels, and we will update you on the progress and measures undertaken by the government. We will be keeping everyone posted through our social media platform - Facebook pages of WSH Myanmar and WSH Myanmar Journal.
Rest assured that we are committed to support as much as we can during these challenging times. 

We look forward to see you in a near future when COVID-19 pandemic is over.

Stay safe and healthy!


Team WSH Myanmar

February 20, 2020

#wshmyanmar #wshm #staysafe #COVID19